Business Partnerships

Your Business Can Make a Difference

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Azalea. As a dedicated advocate for the empowerment and recovery of those affected by sex trafficking, we believe in the strength of collaboration to extend our reach and enhance our impact. By joining us, your business can play a pivotal role in changing lives and building a safer community. 

Why Partner?

  • Community Impact: Directly support survivors of sex trafficking, helping to restore lives and build safer communities.
  • Corporate Responsibility: Enhance your company’s profile and commitment to social responsibility through active and meaningful engagements.
  • Mutual Benefits: Gain from a partnership that provides learning opportunities, networking, and positive publicity.
  • Employee Engagement: Increase team morale and engagement through participation in impactful and fulfilling activities.
  • Resource Sharing: Benefit from a reciprocal exchange of resources, expertise, and insights, enriching both Azalea and your organization.

Let us introduce ourselves.

As Simon Sinek is famous for saying – find your WHY. Well, our ‘why’ is very clear to us. 

We believe that every one matters.

Here is more of our story.

There is so much more to share with you, and we look forward to building a partnership together.

We are delighted to have successful, mutual partnerships with 

Partner with us!

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

    Golf2golf logo

    Here’s how we partnered with Golf2Golf:

    • Held a team social to make frozen meals for our Encompass guests.
    • Conducted a photo shoot in Azalea to provide us with professional photos for use in our comms.
    • Donated 100s of socks for our Encompass guests.
    • Created and donated Azalea angel key rings and awareness business cards for our promotional use.
    • Delivered training on effective social media posts to our Staff and Volunteer team.
    • For Christmas 2023 they organised a the collection of hundreds of donations to create Christmas stockings for our Encompass guests to receive at the Encompass Christmas party!

    “I very much believe that business life is just as much about giving back to the community within which you are situated. Since starting Golf 2 Golf over 25 years ago we have always had a nominated charity because it’s good for our team to look beyond ourselves and give to others in need. It’s true that you get just as much from giving as receiving. Bringing the team to the Azalea hub and meeting Ruth was very powerful and emotional for our team. They now feel passionate about giving their time and skills to help.”

    — Christina – Golf 2 Golf

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